
OMSI Maker's Faire: September 14th+15th

The wonderful folks at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) asked us to scribble up a little blurb for their blog as their annual Maker's Faire approaches. It can be viewed HERE

We are very excited to have been invited back for this year's event. Seeing all the excited youngsters is probably as motivating for us as it is for them. They're the future, and we're honored to be given the opportunity to inspire and push them toward a creative path in life. But don't let us forget the "grown ups" who'll be in attendance; they're the ones who were eagerly bouncing from booth to booth as a child at similar festivals ten, twenty, thirty years ago... the ones who helped ensure that these gatherings kept happening, generation after generation. Bottom line: Come out and say hi to us in our booth at the OMSI Maker's Faire this September 14th and 15th!


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Launching MXO:raw

It's finally available! Our new line, MXO:raw!


We've been hard at work creating this line for the past year and are so happy with how it turned out. To give you an inside scoop of all that went into making this line... I thought I'd share the story:

Of course it started with collecting tons of decommissioned boards to deconstruct. 

We spent months prototyping new product ideas and experimenting with pieces of skateboards.

 (<--- Spencer and Brent, hard at work)

We got our vision for the line and put some real blood sweat and tears into it making the products. Literally!

 (<--- intern becky // aka:b-rex)

With our vision for MXO:raw figured out and the products for the line taking form, we redesigned our workshop to get us better set up for production.

 (<--- me and B-rex)

We teamed up with Jason Ehlers to start the leather work and had a blast working with him in every step of designing these pieces. (Thanks Brent for connecting us with Ehlers!)


To test out our new designs and to also celebrate the beginning of this new line, we had a pre-launch pop-up-shop at the Breeze Block Gallery in Portland, OR. It was a blast and tons of people came out! (thanks Paige for hosting the event!)

Now it was time to get the line photographed, cataloged, and ready to show off as a completed, perfected collection.

Luckily we know some hot babes that were down to get photographed to show off our wears.

And finally after hours and hours editing the new lookbook at various Portland coffee shops  (my favorites being Heart Roasters, and the Detour Cafe), the line was finally finished!

And with that... we give you MXO:raw

Get yours favorite pieces here!

Thanks for helping us save skateboards from the landfill!


Lindsay Jo

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MapleXO has made these Magnets from recycled skateboards for years and years. It was actually one of the first products made by us, but we sold them exclusively direct to customers; at craft fairs, holiday sales and so on... 

Finally, we're offering them online, available to YOU. 

These magnets are made from recycled skateboards by good people here in Portland, Oregon.

Each set will come with 4 magnets from 4 separate skateboards giving you a variety of color to add to your decor.

Use them to hang precious photos, love notes, shopping lists, a polaroid, a special ticket stub, and so on...

(Pictured: Nollie, the lovely little daughter of our friend Breanne Kwatera)


We like to recommend them just as a simple piece to adorn any space by adding just a little flair!

(Furniture by The Good Mod)

Get them HERE!

Thanks for helping us save skateboards from the landfill.

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